What's new?

July 2005-

Updated Casa Estela 2005. Checked, and corrected all dead links on "Links" page.

July 2004-

Moved all the Accommodation links to a new page

Nov 2003-

Checked, and corrected all dead links on "Links" page.

Aug 2003-

Changed the "Transportation" page to "Getting here", and added more maps.

May 2003-

Updated Casa Estela 2003. Added new Accommodation pages.

Feb 2003-

Checked, and corrected all dead links on "Links" page. Added some new links for rentals in the "Accommodation" section.

Oct 2002-

Checked, and corrected all dead links on "Links" page.

Sept 2002-

Updated some of the accommodation pages, and added a new page called,

July 2002-

Checked, and corrected all dead links on "Links" page.

June 2002-

Updated Casa Estela 2002. Added a new map of the Village.

Feb 2002-

Added photos of sample artwork to the "Art & Music" page. Checked, and corrected all dead links on "Links" page.

Frames Version

Text only Version

Versión de Español