Art and Music

There are a number of artists and musicians who visit Yelapa, live here seasonally, or on a full time basis. The artists works can be found locally, in Puerto Vallarta, the U.S., Canada, as well as other parts of the world. The musicians are both ""Pro", and "Non-Pro". A number of them perform at the local restaurants on the live music nights. Some of the artists and musicians have web sites, or pages, that can be viewed by clicking on the highlighted names.


Karen Coolie

Filmmaker: Mick Diener


Bryden Bullington

Rachel Fann

Neil Ehrlich

Malou Flato

Steven John Koeppe

Anton Haardt

Dale LaVoie

Angeline Kyba

Lorenzo Lewis

Leslie Lee

Chris Mensalves

Chris Moses

Eric Michaels

J. Thomas Soltesz

Magui Stites

Lanni Sulje

Sophia Sutherland

John O. Thomson

Nick Thorkelson

Simon Webb

Katrina Wells

Photographer: Michael Wigle

Below are some thumbnails of the artists work. Click on them for a larger view.


Ron Doering


Bobby Jones

Dana &Steven

"Montana Chris"

Chris Moses

Stevie Vallance

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